Reform My Community

A Georgia Justice Policy Think Tank

Ready to Help Reform Your Community?

There’s plenty of changes that can take place at the local level to get ahead of the state in reducing the harm of discriminatory laws and ineffective policies. These are some of the reforms we believe local communities should pursue.

Cannabis Decriminalization

Cities and counties can pass ordinances that designate low-level possession of less than one ounce of cannabis as a ticketable offense that does not require arrest or jail time.

This is not the ideal solution and the state needs to fully address the issue. In the meantime, we can stop arrests and criminal charges for low-level possession and reduce the harm of state law as it exists today.

Cash Bail and Pre-trial Policy Reform

Local governments can also pass cash bail reform that goes beyond the state’s limited reform to ensure Georgians will not be sent to jail in your community if they cannot afford bail.

Pre-trial detention rates have increased dramatically over the last several decades in Georgia. More and more people are being kept in jail in advance of their trial and facing their charges. While incarcerated, they are subject to fees and surcharges even when communicating with family by phone.

For non-violent offenses, residents should be released on their own recognizance and allowed to return to court for their court date.

Pre Trial Detention Numbers in Georgia

Alternative Approaches: Accountability Courts and Pre-Arrest Diversion

Counties and cities in Georgia can implement alternative approaches to criminal justice that have proven to be successful in other parts of the state in reducing recidivism and harm and keeping people out of the system.

Accountability courts promote restorative justice and help people avoid entering the justice system for small offenses that shouldn’t ruin their lives.

Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders. This can lead to transformation of people, relationships and communities.

The Georgia Council for Accountability Courts (GCAC) is responsible for oversight of these courts. It was created in 2015.

Accountability Court Types

  • Teen Courts
  • Drug Courts
  • Mental Health Courts
  • Veteran Courts
  • DUI Courts
  • Family Treatment Court

Pre-arrest diversion programs are critical to preventing needless entries into the criminal justice system. It is most critical for counties to implement them and cities should implement them as well where possible.

Ready to get things started in your community? We can help!

Reach out to us using this form or on our contact page.